We are constantly tinkering with ideas for changes and expansion of our services; changes that are not only for ourself, but as to what we can offer to our clients, our friends and our family.
Changes are underway here at MoonProductions. Both this site and our sister site, MoonProductions.net are being renovated for a fresh new look. A general idea has been formed and changes are already underway.
Everyone is doing them. They offer a lot of silliness, but fresh ideas are also being shared! Check out the MoonProductions blog (still under construction).
From time to time, we all deal with vendors who have less than good quality of service. It's one thing to deal with a store owner face to face, but in this electronic age of online vending, it makes life rather stressful. Buyers Beware will provide listings of those vendors that we have personally dealt with and have had problems in an effort to alert other buyers to beware, along with other consumer advocacy.