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"Werewolves Of London"

— by Warren Zevon

Zevon wrote this with guitarist Robert "Waddy" Wachtel. When Zevon was working with The Everly Brothers, he hired Wachtel to play in their backing band. At one point, Phil Everly asked them to write a dance song for the Everly Brothers called "Werewolves Of London." When Wachtel and Zevon were strumming guitars together when someone asked what they were playing. Zevon replied, "Werewolves Of London," and Wachtel started howling. Zevon came up with the line "I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand," and they traded lyrics back and forth until they had their song.

This is dedicated to my favorite werewolf … who left this world September 1986 when AIDS claimed another victim.


I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
He was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's
Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mien

Ahhwooo, werewolves of London
Ahhwooo, werewolves of London

If you hear him howling around your kitchen door
You better not let him in
Little old lady got mutilated late last night
Werewolves of London again

Ahhwooo, werewolves of London
Ahhwooo, werewolves of London

He's the hairy-handed gent who ran amuck in Kent
Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair
You better stay away from him, he'll rip your lungs out Jim
I'd like to meet his tailor

Ahhwooo, werewolves of London
Ahhwooo, werewolves of London

Well, I saw Lon Cheney walking with the Queen
Doing the werewolves of London
I saw Lon Cheney Jr. walking with the Queen
Doing the werewolves of London

Ahhwooo, werewolves of London
Ahhwooo, werewolves of London

I saw a werewolf drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vic's
His hair was perfect

Ahhwooo, werewolves of London
Ahhwooo, werewolves of London

"Music that gentlier on the spirit lies,
Than tired eyelids upon tired eyes."

— Alfred Lord Tennyson *
The star on my pages was a graphic that I made personally in 1994 when I was first learning how to do animations. This star has been a standard on my Rattt Trap pages since their creation in 1994; specifically my newsletter pages, The Back Fence. *