Please excuse any dust you encounter as I have finally decided that a complete renovation is in order; there are some definite major changes being made. So, have a seat, get comfortable, then please have a look around.
Here in my den, you'll learn what lurks in the mind of a rodent.
I had lost several files when my computer decided to fry. Yes, Yes, I know the importance of back-ups, but I was sorting and organizing my files and preparing to make that back-up when — POOF!
Be sure to check out Tony and Char's Wedding! Yes, the Rattt and the Axe finally tied the knot.
I am currently rebuilding my Photo Gallery so please be patient while I gather and assemble my photos. You'll also find my Holidays section, although it will be under construction for some time, again, as I have to once more collect recipes, art work, stories, etc. I also have a Recipe page for year-round recipe sharing; anyone with recipes to share, please send them in for posting!
Visit my Inspirational page, filled with poems and thoughts on life. On the lighter note, I also have a page dedicated towards Laughter, so if you have any good jokes to pass along, please do (they must be "family friendly" however for posting)! Be sure to check out my Poetry, Prose and Music sections as well, gaining a more in-depth look at who the Rattt really is.
As some of you may already know, I used to publish a newsletter that I would [snail] mail out to friends and relatives. I eventually began simultaneously publishing the newsletter electronically as well. However, as often with things in life, I stopped sending the paper newsletter out (the cost) and the electronic version never updated (the lack of free time). Now it's time to dust off the presses, and though I won't be creating the paper version any longer, I will be reviving The Back Fence electronically. Look for it soon!
The Country Ned and Friends page is a fun sort of page I'm gearing towards children. Ned, a lovable yet grumpy ol' bunny is mine and Tony's adopted "son." You can be sure his nemesis, "Ben", will pop in from time to time as well. Critical issues are dealt with in pages geared specifically toward women and children and the plights of our wildlife over the counter viagra.
And of course, among all this, and more, are all things related to … what else? Rattts!
Submissions of recipes, ideas and such are greatly appreciated! To send an e-mail simply click the link below: