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"Carry On Wayward Son"

— by Kansas

Kansas was always a favorite of mine and I had the fortune of working a concert one year in which Kansas was the headliner band. When they drove up, I was outside the gates, waiting for stragglers to arrive to search their things. The guys in the band were awesomely cool, making sure not only did myself and my friend working with me got something to eat and drink, but we were invited backstage to party with them. I chose this song because it spoke in volumes to me, of how easy we let life get the best of us.


Carry on my wayward son,
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Now don't you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreamin',
I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son,
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Now don't you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man,
it surely means that I don't know
On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune, but
I hear the voices say

Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
Now your life's no longer empty
Surely heaven waits for you

Carry on my wayward son, For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Now don't you cry no more

"All deep things are song. It seems somehow the very central essence of us, song; as if all the rest were but wrappages and hulls!" — Thomas Carlyle *
The star on my pages was a graphic that I made personally in 1994 when I was first learning how to do animations. This star has been a standard on my Rattt Trap pages since their creation in 1994; specifically my newsletter pages, The Back Fence. *