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Boris Vallejo


— Charlotte Moon-Acha, 1974


Alas! poor faeries how they weep
and elves, their song no longer keep.
Happiness replaced by woe
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.

No flowers bloom, the colour grey
and sanity is kept at bay.
No animals, neither buck nor doe
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.

The human race grows cold with fear
no longer cherish memories dear.
For love and beauty is a foe
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.

Once a land of peace and beauty
til evil ones came and did their duty.
A new ruler, named Maelstraugh
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.

What luck! arrives bold Bryn, strong
with him, his warriors, in throng.
Wraiths and rakes spy to and fro
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.

From dawn to dusk, in sand and mud
the land was bathed in blood.
Of young and old, friend and foe
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.

The sun emerges bright and bold
the land no longer grey and cold,
and children=s faces all a-glow
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.

Faerie and elven songs resound
destruction no longer to be found,
and gnomes in love, do gifts bestow
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.

Mourners many, their way pave
to lay flowers on the great Bryn=s grave.
His life he gave so life may grow
here, in Edinh-go-Baugh.


"Democracy is a form of religion. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses." — H.L. Mencken *
The star on my pages was a graphic that I made personally in 1994 when I was first learning how to do animations generic viagra online. This star has been a standard on my Rattt Trap pages since their creation in 1994; specifically my newsletter pages, The Back Fence. *