Slave Abandonment on Gor

Oh. I know you’re thinking, EEK! Not another one of THOSE posts”  of the whining abandoned slave…

Mmmmhmmm…  nope.   -chuckles-

At various points in time, we have all seen posts on message boards through out Gor on the subject of slave abandonment.  Everyone is certain that this just did not happen on Gor, that this is an online anomaly.

I was one of those that believed it so as well, but in one of my re-readings of Mercenaries, I happened upon this interesting passage:

We passed a slave girl, kneeling, chained by the neck to a slave ring. It was fixed in the side of a building, fastened to its bolted plate, about a yard above the level of the street. Her face was stained with tears. She had her hands clutched desperately on the chain, near the ring. I did not know if her master had put her there, intending to return for her, or if she had been abandoned. She was naked. She would remain where she was. She was chained there.   ~  Mercenaries of Gor, pp. 130-31

Unfortunately, this was all that was ever mentioned, but apparently, abandonment isn’t just an online anomaly after all…

Of course, the above quote cannot be taken just as it stands; one has to know the story of why such a comment made.  This, of course, was a period in time when war and strife fell a city, and the likelihood that the owner of the slave could be dead, or simply left to ensure the safety and welfare of his family.

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