On Philosophy Itself…

Philosophy.  What is philosophy?  We talk about philosophy but has anyone considered exactly what philosophy is?

Merriam-Webster says:

Etymology:Middle English philosophie, from Old French, from Latin philosophia, from Greek, from phil- + sophia wisdom, from sophos wise + -ia -y

1a: a love or pursuit of wisdom: a search for the underlying causes and principles of reality;  b: a quest for truth through logical reasoning rather than factual observation; c: a critical examination of the grounds for fundamental beliefs and an analysis of the basic concepts employed in the expression of such beliefs.
2a:  (archaic) the study of natural phenomena; b: the study of the principles of human nature and conduct (ethics):  c: a science that comprises all learning exclusive only of technical precepts and practical arts; d: the coordinate disciplines of sciences and liberal arts exclusive only of medicine, law, and theology; e: a science that comprises logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
3a: a system of motivating beliefs, concepts, and principles; b: a basic theory concerning a particular subject, process, or sphere of activity.
4a: the sum of an individual’s ideas and convictions: personal attitude; b: calmness of temper and judgment befitting a philosopher: mental serenity or equanimity.

I used to work for a Judaic Philosopher, a highly intelligent man who graduated from NY Columbia University with his first PhD at age 19.  He told me once when we were going over various manuscripts he was working on:  “Philosophy is 10 percent fact, 90 per cent bullshit, and 100 per cent opinion.”

One of the things I most remember when I worked with this brilliant man, reading through his manuscripts, was how these men and women respected the opinions of their peers, be they Jewsh, Christian and even Muslim; Christians debated Christians, Jewish debated Jewish as much as they debated within their own theology. They certainly disagreed on the philosophies, though often not in entirety, but they didn’t resort to name calling and speaking to another to dismiss them as if they were a child. In fact, quite interestingly, one rather well respected Christian theologian served the Hitler regime during World War II, and though his fellow philosphers consider his actions as less than respectful, his earlier works still bear positive amongst his peers.

Therefore, to come in an bully someone for their personal opinions (philosophies) about Gor is purist bullshit.

Just … MY … opinion.  -smiles-

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