• So, okay, I decided to be a dork one day and wear both the Yamax and the Omron pedometers at the same time.  I did this for two days in a row, the first being an average day of get up, go to work, come home, walk the dog and neglecting my calisthenics, and the second being my average day of get up, go to work, go to the health club and work out, come home, walk the dog and then relax. 

    The first day, the pedometers were right on with each other. So, they’re both equal in their accuracy. 

    It was on the second day, however, that proved which was most valuable to me.  The answer?

    The Omron.

    The Omron and Yamax were in sync up to the point that I reached the health club. The Yamax didn’t record any of my efforts there, while the Omron did record my exercising as well. 

    So, now the Yamax sits in a drawer as a back up should I lose my new Omron http://viagrasstore.net/generic-viagra/.

    I’ve been really bad the past couple of weeks, and what’s more, is that I know I’ve been bad, and know when I’m about to be bad, but … I still do it. Then I give myself a lecture on why that was dumb and make myself repentent … only to be bad again.  It was getting sick that did it; it got me out of rhythm and now, I have to get back into it.

    I’m thinking of buying myself a really cute size 14 … something.  Hang it up to display it with a note saying, “And YOU! could wear THIS! if you be good!”

    Posted by Char @ 3:19 pm

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