• 23 Aug 2008 /  Moving Forward No Comments

    Because this blog is new, please read each linked page above (Background, The Start, et al) to get you familiar with my story.

    Yesterday was my third wedding anniversary and I feel like a new bride.

    I had my visit with both the vascular surgeon earlier this week and things went well. He prescribed (knee high) compression stockings, to help heal the leg. He encouraged me to continue with my workouts; no doubt as I keep losing weight, my veins and all that will continue to heal all the faster.

    My visit with the endocrinologist went equally as well. She poured over the notes that I had obtained from my ex-physician, and told me that no where in those records could she find any labs that showed I needed thyroid hormone; he had completely misdiagnosed me. Yay. My blood results were excellent; my sugars way down, my bad cholesterol, though never abnormally high, were lower still (Cheerios DOES work), and the good cholesterol had moved up to a better range. Cool beans.

    Better still: I weighed in at 210 pounds!

    While she only set a 5 pound goal for me by time I see her again in December, I have set my own personal goal by then to be out of the 200s. Forever.

    Last night, cuddling with my husband, he searching for those rolls of fat to grab and finding none, made my night when he said, “Wow! You HAVE lost a lot of weight…”

    I am back on track now, both in my eating habits and with my workouts, and it feels good to do so. While that week of cheating while on vacation provided me with some delicious meals, they were, in all honesty, not particularly satisfying. Sitting down to a nice simply, healthy meal, satisfies both my mind and my palate so much better. Add in a good workout, and I’m quite sated, mentally and physically.

    It’s going to be a long hard road to reach my ultimate goal, but I’m almost halfway there.

    Without surgery.

    I’m proud of that. I’m proud of me.

    Posted by Char @ 6:22 pm

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